At Ethos College, embedded within our school offer is a high quality reading curriculum which aims to inspire our pupils to become fluent, confident and critical readers who are engaged and enthusiastic about reading a wide range of literature. It is our hope that pupils become lifelong readers and enjoy reading in their next stage of education as well as in their future lives. Our teaching of reading equips pupils with the necessary knowledge, skills and understanding needed to read, understand and respond to texts for a wide range of purposes so that they understand vocabulary and language and communicate ideas, views and feelings about what they are reading.
Pupils are exposed to a variety of approaches to developing fluency in reading, including:
Regular opportunities to read
Reading is at the core of the curriculum. All pupils read on daily basis and are read to so that they develop a love of Reading.
Reading related displays
Reading work is always on display as part of each class’s English display. Work completed within these units of work are celebrated
Reading is further embedded in a cross curricular way as it is promoted on displays relating to a range of subject areas throughout the school academic year to support learning in class as well as celebrate pupils’ work.
Teaching of comprehension skills
Comprehension is promoted through direct teaching of exam style format questions alongside lessons which focus on the particular demands of the subject curriculum.
Reading areas
All class rooms have a dedicated reading area where pupils have access to a range of texts and genres. Reading is further promoted via a display which engages pupils in reading and shares views on favourite authors and texts.
Subject specific vocabulary
Identified through subject files/books. Decoding is a regular focus of teaching and comprehension tasks. Use of tier 2 and tier 3 vocabulary to be in books and displayed during topic coverage.
Pupils have access to a wide range of specific fiction and non-fiction books, available in classrooms and the school common room area.
Partnerships with book services/charities further promote reading for enjoyment.
Guided Reading
All pupils with significant deficits in reading ages (3 years plus) to take part in Guided Reading 3 x per week. Adult led sessions develop pupils’ fluency skills; decoding strategies and understanding of vocabulary.
Direct teaching of synthetic, systematic phonics. Interventions are taught for identified pupils.