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GCSE English Language


Contact: Sadie Mayes- smayes@eat.uk.com

The GCSE English Language qualification has been designed to inspire and motivate students, providing appropriate stretch and challenge whilst ensuring that the assessment and texts are accessible to the full range of students.

The qualification will enable students of all abilities to develop the skills they need to read, understand and analyse a wide range of different texts covering the 19th, 20th and 21st century time periods as well as to write clearly, coherently and accurately using a range of vocabulary and sentence structures.

The exam consists of two equally-balanced papers, relating reading sources to the topic and theme of writing tasks. The reading sources act as a stimulus for writing tasks, providing students with a clear route through each paper.

The separate endorsement, Spoken Language emphasises the importance of the wider benefits that speaking and listening skills have for students. The students will partake in engaging formative tasks which will lead to a single summative

English Language Curriculum Plan Download
GCSE English Language Course Specification Download

GCSE English Literature


Contact: Sadie Mayes- smayes@eat.uk.com

The GCSE English Literature qualification has been designed to inspire, challenge and motivate every student, no matter what their level of ability.

Assessment strategies support students’ achievement in an untiered, closed book context through the use of extract-based questions. Students will study a 19th-century novel, Shakespeare play, a modern text and poetry.

The exam consists of two papers relating to the range of literature studied throughout the course.

GCSE English Literature Course Specification Download

Entry Level English




The Entry Level Certificate in English has been designed specifically to align with GCSE English Language and provides a progression route for lower attainers. The content is flexible and is designed to maximise engagement with a variety of interesting topics, free choice of speaking and writing tasks and a choice between 3 sets of live reading papers.

Assessments are designed to be taken when learners are ready, whether this is at the end of each unit, end of term, or at the end of the year.

Curriculum Plan for Entry Level English Download
Entry Level English Course Specification Download

Functional Skills English




The Functional Skills qualifications are designed to equip learners with skills such as comparing the ideas and presentation of texts, writing for a specified audience and purpose, and communicating and adapting language. They’re assessed in three units; Speaking, Listening and Communication; Reading; and Writing, through a choice of paper-based or onscreen, on-demand tests.

Functional Skills English Course Specification Download
Curriculum Plan Functional Skills English Download

Get in Touch

Head Teacher Mandeep Bains (Head of School)

Executive Head Teacher Rebecca Smith

Ethos College

Knowles Hill Road
Dewsbury Moor
West Yorkshire
WF13 4QS

Telephone01924 469170


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