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Personal and Social Education

Contact: pgraham@eat.uk.com

Personal Development helps students lead confident, healthy and responsible lives. At Ethos College students in year 10 will study Personal Finance, Healthy Lifestyles and Personal Safety while year 11 students will study Drugs Education, Sex and Relationships, Emotional Wellbeing and Making Informed Career Choices. This curriculum is underpinned by strong character education with a sharp focus on SEMH progress to ensure students are ready for the next stage in their education and employment.

RSE (Relationships and Sex Education)

Ethos College considers that RSE is an integral part of the Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) and Citizenship curriculum, and is linked to that for Science. We aim to offer pupils a carefully planned programme on human development, relationships, sexuality and family life within a safe, comfortable atmosphere and in a relaxed relationship between teacher and pupil. The programme is set within a moral framework and matched to the pupils’ level of maturity.

The aims of RSE within our school are to:

  • provide a framework in which sensitive discussions can take place;
  • give pupils an understanding of sexual development and the importance of health and hygiene;
  • help pupils develop feelings of self-respect, confidence and empathy to value themselves and others;
  • create a positive culture around issues of sexuality and relationships;
  • teach pupils the correct vocabulary to describe themselves and their bodies;
  • understand the range of relationships, including the importance of family for the care and support of children;
  • understand the consequences of their actions and behave responsibly within relationships;
  • be able to recognise unsafe situations and be able to protect themselves and ask for help and supports;
  • understand the role the media plays in forming attitudes;
  • understand how safe routines can reduce the spread of viruses.

As part of RSE, pupils will be taught about the nature and importance of strong and mutually supportive relationships including marriage. We try to ensure that no stigma is placed on children based on their home circumstances. We aim to provide accurate information and help to develop skills that enable pupils to understand differences and respect themselves and others. We hope to prevent and remove prejudice. RSE should contribute to promoting the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at school and within society, thus preparing them for the responsibilities and experiences of adult life. We will work towards this aim in partnership with parents/carers.

Get in Touch

Head Teacher Mandeep Bains (Head of School)

Executive Head Teacher Rebecca Smith

Ethos College

Knowles Hill Road
Dewsbury Moor
West Yorkshire
WF13 4QS

Telephone01924 469170


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